Notation Used in Syntax Definitions


Listed below are the guidelines on how syntax notation is used in the individual help topics for each command used in Eagle.



Items or phrases within { and } are optional.



OR (separating alternative options).


<i> | <i1> <i2> ...

An arithmetic expression yielding an integer.


<st> | <st1> <st2> ...

A string expression yielding a textual result.


<n> | <n1> <n2> ...

An arithmetic expression yielding any real number.



A combination of characters from a defined set.
Example: Justification indicators TL, TM, BL etc.



A fragment number in the range 0 to 256.



A specification of fragment (layer) numbers separated by commas from the following list:
fragment number in the range 0 to 265.
> an inclusive range
all visible fragments (layers)
all invisible fragments (layers)
all treatable fragments (layers)
all untreatable fragments (layers)


<pvar> | <pvar1> <pvar2> ...

A point variable or array, as declared by the points command.


<nvar> | <nvar1> <nvar2> ...

A numeric variable or array, as declared by the numerics command.


<svar> | <svar1> <svar2> ...

A string variable or array, as declared by the strings command, or a sub-string <svar>[<i>|<i>\<j>,...]. Example: s5[2,8,17\25] s_arr[3][1,5,8]



A point array, as declared by the points command.



A numeric array, as declared by the numerics command.



A string array, as declared by the strings command.


<p_range> | <p_range1> <p_range2> ...

A range of point variables. Example: p10\20,p_arr[1\10]


<n_range> | <n_range1> <n_range2> ...

A range of numeric variables. Example: v1\6,num_array[4\9]


<s_range> | <s_range1> <s_range2> ...

A range of string variables. Example: s2\10,str[1\5]



A specification of single or ranges of numeric variables, string variables and/or point variables, separated by commas, \ indicating an inclusive range. Example: p5\20,v5,str1



One of the permitted units of measurement MM, CM, DM, M, DC, HC, KM, IN, FT, YD or ML.



One of the characters N, S, E, W, U or D.



A vector phrase from the following list describing a point in 3-D space, usually measured from current control:
<direction><n>e.g. e765.25
<direction>(<n>)e.g. e(x+700)
<direction><n>@<n> e.g. e500@60
<direction><n>@<n>@<n>e.g. e500@60@-25.5
<direction><n>@<pvar>-<pvar>e.g. e500@p1-p2
<direction><n>&<direction>@<n> e.g. n500&u@30
<pvar>e.g. p2
<direction>(<pvar>) e.g. n(p100)
(<n>,<n>)e.g. (1234,790)
(<n>,<n>,<n>)e.g. (0,400,150)
<vector>&<vector>e.g. e265&u200
<vector>%<n>e.g. p5%200
J interactive via pointing device
Q|QJ series of J vectors
G interactive via digitiser
Q Gseries of G vectors
I current eye position
F current focus position
L{X|E|L|N|T|P|D|$|G|S} latch to a model item:
X intersection of lines/arcs
E end point of a line or arc
L point on a line or arc
N point on a line/arc at a normal
T point on an arc at a tangent
P <pvar> point
D end point of a dimension line
$ sub-model node point
G grid intersection point
S point in free space
QL series of L vectors



A phrase describing a rectangular or circular 2-D area, or a 3-D box or sphere:
R=J interactive 2-D rectangle
R=<vector>,<vector> non-interactive 2-D rectangle
C=J interactive 2-D circle
C=<vector>,<v>|<vector> non-interactive 2-D circle
B=<vector>,<vector> non-interactive 3-D box
S=<vector>,<v>|<vector> non-interactive 3-D sphere



A file name containing alphanumeric characters. The symbols "-" and "_" may be included but not as the first character.



A 3 character alphanumeric code, such as cmd, mod etc.



A directory name containing alphanumeric characters. The "-" symbol may be included but not as the first character.


<file> | <file1> <file2> ...




A name using wildcard characters indicated by:
* any character(s)
? any single character
~ any alphabetic character
# any numeric character


<text> | <text1> <text2> ...

Any literal text not enclosed within quotes.



A series of items from the following list separated by commas:
<n> arithmetic expression
<pvar>|<p_range> single or range of point variables
<nvar>|<n_range> single or range of numeric variables
<svar>|<s_range> single or range of string variables or sub-string
M(<n>,<m>) text from the user messages file (MSG)
'<text>' literal text within quotes (control characters in ASCII notation may be included by preceding the character with a tilde, for example, ~C. ~~ implies a single tilde.)
Dcurrent date
Tcurrent time



An indication of a model item primitive:
1|F surface or face
2|S regular solid or hollow
3|L lines
4|P straight pipe
5|P reducer
6|P eccentric reducer
7|P dished end
8|P pipe bend
9|P pipe tee
10|M sub-model
11|C arc or circle
12 unused
13|S irregular solid/hollow
14|U ufo
15|A annotation
16|D dimension
17|N point
18|CL construction line
19 g-dimension
$<file> specific sub-model (default extension mod)
$<wildspec> sub-model wildcard specification (default extension mod)


Note: Type S may be either type 2 or 13, type P may be any one of types 4 to 9.



A window indication:
<i> a window number in the range 1 to 10
C{(<nvar>)} the current window, the number of which is recorded in <nvar>, if specified
N|J{(<nvar>)} a window indicated by the interactive cursor, the number of which is recorded in <nvar>, if specified
W{(<nvar>)} the next free window number, the number of which is recorded in <nvar>, if specified
ALL all windows (not applicable to all situations)



Any conditional expression yielding a result.



One of the Eagle pre-defined functions (see the let command).



A Boolean operator:
‘|’ perform the Boolean union
‘-’ perform the Boolean difference
‘&’ perform the Boolean intersection
‘/’ perform cutting by a plane
‘%’ perform mirroring in a plane