;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Eagle Environment Entries ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ENVIRONMENT SETTINGS SOURCE FILE version up 14.9.2 B02 FlexNET ; A complete description of each variable is located in the Eagle Help file under the section ; System Essentials | How to Configure Eagle ; Version aligned May 2016 ; NOTE : Current and occasionally future version variables are described here. If a variable has no ; significance for a version it will simply be set without any real effect. ; Some system locations are described here by their relevant system environment variable name ; i.e. %VARIABLE% however system variables SHOULD NOT be used and in ALL cases should be replaced ; with fully expanded locations. [environment] ; Name : ENVCHAR (S) ; Description : Character preceding environment variable settings ; Options : Single ASCII character. Default ENVCHAR=- ENVCHAR=- ; Name : PATH_SEPARATOR (S) ; Description : Define whether / or \ is used as the directory seperator ; Options : OLD or NEW. Default PATH_SEPARATOR=NEW PATH_SEPARATOR=new ; Name : EAGLEPATH (S) ; Description : Location of the Eagle programs tree ; Options : Default EAGLE_PATH=%PROGRAMFILES%\MacroVision\Eagle EAGLEPATH=C:\Program Files\Macrovision\EagleCDS\ ; Name : EAGLESITE (S) ; Description : Location of the Eagle application settings. Note Windows variable should be expanded. ; Options : EAGLESITE=C:\ProgramData\Macrovision\EagleCDS\ ; Name : USER_NAME ; Description : User name taken from Registry at installation ; Options : Text string USER_NAME=John Adams ; Name : USER_ORGANISATION ; Description : User organisation taken from Registry at installation ; Options : Text string USER_ORGANISATION=Macrovision ; Name : NTVERSION ; Description : Current Windows version ; Options : Windows 2000 NTVERSION=500, Windows XP NTVERSION=501, Windows 2003 NTVERSION=502, Windows Vista or Server 2008 R1 NTVERSION=600, Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2 NTVERSION=601 NTVERSION=601 ; Name : NTBUILD ; Description : Current Windows version build ; Options : NTBUILD= NTBUILD=7601 ; Name : NTSPACK ; Description : Current Windows Service Pack ; Options : NTSPACK= NTSPACK=1 ; Name : SYSTEM_VARIABLES (D) ; Description : Defines the precedence for searching for environment variables either from the INI file or from amongst System Variables. ; Options : Set to NO (INI before searching environment variables) Default SYSTEM_VARIABLES=yes SYSTEM_VARIABLES=YES [config] ; Name : TITLE (This setting must not be relocated) (S) ; Description : Text to be displayed in the Eagle root window title bar. ; Options : TITLE= TITLE=Eagle ; Name : EAGLEMESSAGEFILE (S) ; Description : Name and location of the Eagle messages file. Note Eagle variable mabe be used. ; Options : Default EAGLEMESSAGEFILE=-eaglesite/bft/eagle.msg EAGLEMESSAGEFILE=-eaglesite/bft/eagle.msg ; Name : EAGLEFONTFILE (This setting must not be relocated) (S) ; Description : Name and location of the standard Eagle font file. Note Eagle variable mabe be used. ; Options : Default EAGLEFONTFILE=-eaglesite/fonts/stfont.fnt EAGLEFONTFILE=-eaglesite/fonts/stdfont.fnt ; Name : UTILSMESSAGEFILE (S) ; Description : Name and location of the utilities messages file. Note Eagle variable mabe be used. ; Options : Default UTILSMESSAGEFILE=-eaglesite/bft/libmsg.msg UTILSMESSAGEFILE=-eaglesite/bft/libmsg.msg ; Name : DRIVERCONFIGFILE (S) ; Description : Name and location of specific peripheral configuration file. Note Eagle variable mabe be used. ; Options : Default DRIVERCONFIGFILE=-eaglesite/config/tabdef.dcf DRIVERCONFIGFILE=-eaglesite/config/tabdef.dcf ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Licensing Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : RUNMODE (S) ; Description : String sequence of binary switched that defines the type of features that to be licensed. ; Options : Characters 1=24 set insequence of 1 or 0 (EDU or EDUX feature in license supercedes RUNMODE) RUNMODE=010010101000000000000010 ;RUNMODE=010011101000000000000010 ; 123456789012345678901234 Character guide ; character 1=runtime 2=fullversion 3=2d 4=3d 5=merlin 6=exact geometry 7=communicationlink 8=0 9=hybrid 10=visualizer 11=advancedvisualizer 12=alphanumeric 13=variational 14=0 15=0 16=0 17=0 18=0 19=0 20=0 21=viewerA 22=viewerB 23=acad 24=vrml ; Name : LM_LICENSE_FILE (S) ; Description : Name and location of the Eagle license file. Note Windows variable should be expanded. ; Options : Default Defined at installation. LM_LICENSE_FILE=C:\ProgramData\Macrovision\EagleCDS\Licensing\license.lic LM_MVISION_VERSION_LOG ; Name : LM_MVISION_VERSION_LOG (S) ; Description : Define whether MVISION version is written to flex log. ; Options : LM_MVISION_VERSION_LOG=YES (Default) | NO LM_MVISION_VERSION_LOG=YES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; IMPORT / EXPORT parameters ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; entries must have a fully qualified path ; ; Name : ADINIT_NAME (D) ; Description : Name and location of file required by statically linked data interchange library. ; Options : May be changed Default ADINIT_NAME=-eaglesite\config\adinit.dat ADINIT_NAME = -eaglesite\config\adinit.dat ; Name : TABLAYER (D) ; Description : The name and location of the file used for the conversion of AutoCAD layers to and from Eagle fragments. ; Options : Default TABLAYER=%ALLUSERS%\MacroVision\Eagle\Config\Dwg\tablayer.dat Must contain fully expanded and qualified path. TABLAYER=C:\ProgramData\Macrovision\EagleCDS\config\dwg\tablayer.dat ; Name : TABDASH (D) ; Description : The name and location of the file used for the conversion of Eagle Dash to AutoCAD dash. ; Options : Default TABDASH=%ALLUSERS%\MacroVision\Eagle\Config\Dwg\tabdash.dat Must contain fully expanded and qualified path. TABDASH=C:\ProgramData\Macrovision\EagleCDS\config\dwg\tabdash.dat ; Name : DWG_TABDASH_NEW_FORMAT (D) ; Description : Use the new format for the TABDASH configuration file New format is: EagleDash–ACADDash -<6 real values>, e.g.: 3 LTYP-3 100.0 10.0 40.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 ; Options : Set to YES or NO Default DWG_TABDASH_NEW_FORMAT=no (Default) DWG_TABDASH_NEW_FORMAT=no ; Name : TABFONT (D) ; Description : The name and location of the file used for the conversion of Eagle fonts to AutoCAD fonts. ; Options : Default TABFONT=%ALLUSERS%\MacroVision\Eagle\Config\Dwg\tabfont.dat Must contain fully expanded and qualified path. TABFONT=C:\ProgramData\Macrovision\EagleCDS\config\dwg\tabfont.dat ; Name : TABHATCH (D) ; Description : The name and location of the file used for hatch conversion table. ; Options : Default TABHATCH=%ALLUSERS%\MacroVision\Eagle\Config\Dwg\tabhatch.dat Must contain fully expanded and qualified path. TABHATCH=C:\ProgramData\Macrovision\EagleCDS\config\dwg\tabhatch.dat ; Name : HATCH_DRAWING_SCALE (D) Replaces DRAWING_SCALE ; Description : Used by EXPORT and visualization for drawing scale as a multiplier of current pattern-scale as set in Symbolic Hatches or TABHATCH ; Options : HATCH_DRAWING_SCALE = to set scale Default = 1 HATCH_DRAWING_SCALE = 1 ; Name : DWG_HATCH_FILE (S) ; Description : The ACAD/Eagle hatch definitions configuration file ; Options : DWG_HATCH_FILE = where filename is acad.pat | acadiso.pat DWG_HATCH_FILE = C:\ProgramData\Macrovision\EagleCDS\config\dwg\ACADISO.PAT ; Name : DWG_HATCH_ATTRIBUTE (S) ; Description : DWG attribute as used in ACAD/Eagle interchange ; Options : DWG_HATCH_ATTRIBUTE = DWG_HATCH_ATTRIBUTE=1 ; Name : EXPORT_DRAWING_PREVIEW ; Description : Configure if drawing Prieview should be exported. ; Options : yes|no (yes is default) EXPORT_DRAWING_PREVIEW=yes ; Name : DXF_FILTER (D) ; Description : DXF/DWG IMPORT entity filter. Binary sequence of 1(read) or 0(do not read) entities on import of DXF and DWG files ; Options : DXF_FILTER=1111111111111111 (Default) where positions in the string are as follows ; 0 insert ; 1 point ; 2 line ; 3 polyline ; 4 circle ; 5 arc ; 6 text ; 7 shape ; 8 trace ; 9 solid ; 10 line3d ; 11 face3d ; 12 dimension ; 13 attrib ; 14 light weight polylines ; 15 hatch ; 16 ellipse ; 17 spline ; DXF_FILTER=111111111111111111 ; Name : DXF_UCS_FLAG (D) ; Description : Used to switch on(yes) or off(no) UCS extraction from the item's extrusion. If set to YES then the UCS direction is taken from the extrusion vector of an entity when the thickness is null. ; Options : YES | NO. DXF_UCS_FLAG=no (Default) DXF_UCS_FLAG=no ; Name : DXF_XY_FLAG (V) ; Description : specific situations when items with an UCS associated were handled incorrectly from the IMPORT. Set to “YES” to avoid considering any normal direction different from +/-Z. If “NO” then the fix #3669 is not active. ; Options : YES | NO. DXF_XY_FLAG =no (Default) DXF_XY_FLAG=no ; Name : DWG_EXTRUSION_ON_ARCS (OBSOLETE) ; Description : Allows for non-standard situations for ARC or CIRCLE extrusion “flipping” on the main Y-axis. ; Options : (Default) unset. Set to DWG_EXTRUSION_ON_ARCS=YES to handle some Microstation releases DWG_EXTRUSION_ON_ARCS= ; Name : DWG_MESSAGE_LEVEL (D) ; Description : Sets the level of messages output for import and export ; Options : 0 no messages, 1 system messages, 2 warnings, 3 not supported messages, 4 All messages. DWG_MESSAGE_LEVEL=4. (Default) DWG_MESSAGE_LEVEL=4 ; Name : DWG_CLOSEDPLINE_POLYGON (V) ; Description : Convert closed polyline into a face on IMPORT ; Options : If set to “yes” then a closed polyline is converted into a face. (Default) unset. ; DWG_CLOSEDPLINE_POLYGON=yes ; Name : DWG_SCAN_MODE (D) ; Description : Enables IMPORT to create a file with only the layers used in the DWG file which can be used for mapping layers to fragments. ; Options : If set to "yes" creates a files defined by SCANLAYER and DWG_SCAN_LINETYPE variables. Default DWG_SCAN_MODE=no DWG_SCAN_MODE=no ; Name : SCANLAYER (D) ; Description : The name and location of the file used for scanned layer table. Active only when the “DWG_SCAN_MODE=yes”. ; Options : SCANLAYER=%ALLUSERS%\MacroVision\Eagle\Config\Dwg\scanlayer.dat (Default) Must contain fully expanded and qualified path. SCANLAYER=C:\ProgramData\Macrovision\EagleCDS\config\dwg\tabhatch.dat ; Name : DWG_NEW_SCAN_LAYER (V) ; Description : Using this setting for the IMPORT command means SCANLAYER will also return information on the Layer status ; Options : DWG_NEW_SCAN_LAYER=NO (Default) INDEX NAME returned | YES means INDEX NAME ON/OFF FROZEN/THAWED VPFROZEN/VPTHAWED LOCKED/UNLOCKED returned DWG_NEW_SCAN_LAYER=NO ; Name : SCANLINETYPE (D) ; Description : The name and location of the file used TABDASH file containing linetypes in a DWG file. Active when “DWG_SCAN_MODE=yes”. ; Options : SCANLINETYPE=%ALLUSERS%\MacroVision\Eagle\Config\Dwg\scanlayer.dat (Default) Must contain fully expanded and qualified path. SCANLINETYPE=C:\ProgramData\Macrovision\EagleCDS\config\dwg\scanline.dat ; Name : DXF_EXPAND (D) ; Description : Using this setting enables, sub-model (BLOCKs) expansion on the fly during IMPORT. ; Options : Default NO. If set to YES sub-models are not created but expanded into single primitive items, blocks are expanded and no MOD files are stored on disk. DXF_EXPAND=no ; Name : IMPORT_FROZEN_LAYERS (D) ; Description : Enables IMPORT of frozen layers from AutoCAD. ; Options : IMPORT_FROZEN_LAYERS=no (Default). Enable IMPORT_FROZEN_LAYERS=yes. IMPORT_FROZEN_LAYERS=no ; Name : EXPORT_FILTER (D) ; Description : DXF/DWG EXPORT entity filter. Binary sequence of 1(write) or 0(do not write) entities on import of DXF and DWG files ; Options : EXPORT_FILTER=111111111111 (Default) where positions in the string are as follows ; 0 vector ; 1 circle/arc ; 2 point ; 3 annotations ; 4 faces ; 5 submodels ; 6 dimensions ; 7 extrusions ; 8 irregular solids ; 9 cylinders ; 10 pipes/ecc.reducers/dished ends/pipebends ; 11 ufos sm ; 12 acis eg EXPORT_FILTER=111111111111 ; Name : DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT (D) ; Description : Used to set export format to switch between AutoCAD versions ; Options : DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT=old (ACAD2000-2002) default ; DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT=new ;AutoCAD Release 2010 ; DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT=vAC09; AutoCAD Release 9 ; DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT=vAC10; AutoCAD Release 10 ; DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT=vAC12; AutoCAD Release 11-12 ; DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT=vAC13; AutoCAD Release 13 ; DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT=vAC14; AutoCAD Release 14 ; DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT=vAC15; AutoCAD 2000-2002 ; DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT=vAC18; AutoCAD 2004-2006 ; DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT=vAC21; AutoCAD 2007 ; DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT=vAC24; AutoCAD 2010-2011 ; DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT=vAC27; AutoCAD 2013 DXF_EXPORT_FORMAT = new ; Name : DXF_COLOR_BY_LAYER (D) ; Description : Trigger the use of colour by layer scheme ; Options : Default unset. Setting to YES colour by layer scheme is used DXF_COLOR_BY_LAYER=yes ; Name : SKIP_FONTS (D) ; Description : Skip characters in text definitions/not part of the standard ASCII table. ; Options : SKIP_FONTS=yes (Default). SKIP_FONTS=no imports as normal characters SKIP_FONTS=yes ; Name : DWG_CODEPAGE (D) ; Description : Set the codepage for export. ; Options : DWG_CODEPAGE where value is 0 to 32. DWG_CODEPAGE=30 (Default) (ansi-1252 Windows codepage) DWG_CODEPAGE=30 ; Name : EXPORT_DIMENSION_TEXT_OVERRIDE (D) ; Description : Set status of export of dimension text such as "#' without overriding the text definition in ACAD. ; Options : EXPORT_DIMENSION_TEXT_OVERRIDE=yes (Default) | no EXPORT_DIMENSION_TEXT_OVERRIDE=yes ; Name : EXPORT_DIMENSION_WITH_BLOCK (D) ; Description : Setting if dimension to DWG format must be exported as blocks. [See also PATCH3858] ; Options : EXPORT_DIMENSION_WITH_BLOCK=no(Default)| yes EXPORT_DIMENSION_WITH_BLOCK=no ; Name : EXPORT_POLYLINES (D) ; Description : Setting to allow for several possibilities of exporting polylines ; Options : EXPORT_POLYLINES=3D_ONLY (Default)| 2D_ONLY | 3D_IF_CONTINUOUS EXPORT_POLYLINES=3D_ONLY ; Name : SPLINES_APPROXIMATION (D) ; Description : Set value for the Spline approximation for the Import process. ; Options : SPLINES_APPROXIMATION= Default is the current Eagle approximation. SPLINES_APPROXIMATION=16 ; Name : DWG_MULTILINETEXT ; Description : Enable or disable multi-line text exported as MTEXT instead of multiple text ; Options : DWG_MULTILINETEXT=yes (Default) | No DWG_MULTILINETEXT=yes ; Name : DWG_BLOCK_PREFIX (D) ; Description : Define a submodels path to be used as a prefix for imported blocks. ; Options : DWG_BLOCK_PREFIX= fully defined Example: DWG_BLOCK_PREFIX=c:\tmp\ DWG_BLOCK_PREFIX=c:\tmp\ ; Name : HATCH_BLOCK_PREFIX (D) ; Description : Set a common prefix for block names representing hatches for import and export of hatch patterns using blocks. ; Options : HATCH_BLOCK_PREFIX= HATCH_BLOCK_PREFIX = ODA ; Name : DWG_UNITE_3DFACE (D) ; Description : Import AD_ENT_FACE3D that correspond to triangulated Eagle faces can be re-joined to rebuild the original non-triangulated face. ; Options : DWG_UNITE_3DFACE = no (Default)| YES (If the value is set to "yes" then the join is performed.) DWG_UNITE_3DFACES=no ; Name : DWG_TEXT_FROM_DIM (D) ; Description : Trigger to enable extraction of text from dimensions and DWG_SCALE_DIM ; Options : DWG_TEXT_FROM_DIM=no (Default) | DWG_TEXT_FROM_DIM=yes DWG_SCALE_DIM=yes ; Name : DWG_SCALE_DIM (D) ; Description : Optionally only handle scale info on dimensions. ; Options : DWG_SCALE_DIM=no. DWG_SCALE_DIM=yes (Default) DWG_SCALE_DIM=yes ; Name : DWG_SET_EAGLE_DASH (D) ; Description : Eagle dashes will be set to AutoCAD dashes when Importing ; Options : DWG_SET_EAGLE_DASH=no(Default)| yes DWG_SET_EAGLE_DASH=no ; Name : EXPORT_UNITS=yes (D) ; Description : Optionally include the possibility of exporting the set UNITS ; Options : EXPORT_UNITS=yes EXPORT_UNITS=no (Default) EXPORT_UNITS=no ; Name : MEASUREMENT (D) ; Description : Set the UNIT measurement when EXPORT_UNITS is set to yes ; Options : MEASUREMENT=0 (Imperial/English) | MEASUREMENT=0 (Metric) ;MEASUREMENT=1 ; Name : EXPORT_@_CHAR_STRAIGHT ; Description : EXPORT the "@" character intact instead of being exported to as "Ø" (diameter symbol). ; Options : yes|no (previous behaviour) EXPORT_@_CHAR_STRAIGHT=no ; Name : EXPORT_LOG (Ref) ; Description : Provides a log file with geometrical data about incorrect geometry identified when triangulating faces. ; Options : If  incorrect geometry is detected during export then the variable EXPORT_LOG=yes If no error incorrect geometry is found then EXPORT_LOG=no ; Name : DIMENSION_MID_POINT (S) ; Description : Defines the midpoint for dimension text to include or exclude the arrows in the calculation. ; Option : DIMENSION_MID_POINT=new (calculated excluding arrows)| DIMENSION_MID_POINT=old (Default) DIMENSION_MID_POINT=old ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Drag & Drop configuration ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; For full details of options see documentation ; Name : D&D__GW ; Description : Drag and drop file type and action when dropped on Graphic Window ; Options : D&D__GW= where = MOD | UFO| BMP| DAT| LWI| DWG| DXF| TIF| TGA| RAS| VAR| GIF| PLO| FNT| DLG| ASC| CMD(auto executes) D&D_MOD_GW=-eaglesite/startup/load.cmd D&D_BMP_GW=-eaglesite/startup/disp.cmd D&D_DAT_GW=-eaglesite/startup/text.cmd D&D_LWI_GW=-eaglesite/startup/showlwi.cmd D&D_DWG_GW=-eaglesite/startup/import.cmd ; Name : D&D_DEFAULT_GW ; Description : Drag and drop action for file type not specified when dropped on Graphic Window ; Options : D&D_DEFAULT_GW= D&D_DEFAULT_GW=-eaglepath/startup/default.cmd ; Name : D&D_FILENAME ; Description : Contains the dropped file name ; Options : Contextually generated by Eagle D&D_FILENAME=//C/Users/David/Desktop/3d.cmd ; Name : D&D_3DPOINT ; Description : Contains the 3D world co-ordinates ; Options : Contextually generated by Eagle D&D_3DPOINT=(250.000000,230.000000,0.000000) ; Name : D&D_2DPOINT ; Description : Contains the 2D co-ordinates of the point ; Options : Contextually generated by Eagle D&D_2DPOINT=(437,333) ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Database/ODBC settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : MAX_DB_COL (D) ; Description : Extend the number of columns for query set of any DB command ; Options : MAX_DB_COL= MAX_DB_COL=100 ; Name : DECODE_SEPARATOR (D) ; Description : User definable decode separator for both for ENCODE and DECODE commands. ; Options : DECODE_SEPARATOR : | Unset (Default) ; DECODE_SEPARATOR : ; ; Name : SQL_ACCESS_MODE (D) ; Description : Define access mode to database ; Options : SQL_ACCESS_MODE=SQL_MODE_READ_WRITE (Default) | SQL_MODE_READ_ONLY SQL_ACCESS_MODE=SQL_MODE_READ_WRITE ; Name : SQL_AUTOCOMMIT (D) ; Description : Set to commit each statement immediately after executed or manually commit and roll back transactions. ; Options : SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON (Default) | SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF SQL_AUTOCOMMIT=SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON ; Name : SQL_LOGIN_TIMEOUT (D) ; Description : A value corresponding to the number of seconds to wait for a login request to complete. ; Options : SQL_LOGIN_TIMEOUT= if 0 wait indefinitely. Unset (Default) SQL_LOGIN_TIMEOUT= ; Name : SQL_TXN_ISOLATION (D) ; Description : The degree to which multiple interleaved transactions are prevented from interfering with each other. ; Options : SQL_TXN_ISOLATION=SQL_TXN_VERSIONING (Default) SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED, SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED, SQL_TXN_REPEATABLE_READ, SQL_TXN_SERIALIZABLE SQL_TXN_ISOLATION=SQL_TXN_VERSIONING ; Name : SQL_ERROR (D) ; Description : The function did not complete because of an error. Call SQLError to get more information on the problem. SQL_ERROR=00000 , 0 ; SQL Server ; Name : SQL_CONNECT (D) ; Description : Enable addition of special connection options ; Options : SQL_CONNECT= Default Unset Example SQL_CONNECT=UID=root;PWD=%4£HNg SQL_CONNECT=UID=root;PWD= ; Name : SQL_CURSOR_TYPE (D) ; Description : Set to allow multiple cursors for ODBC connection on some databases such as SQL Server. ; Options : SQL_CURSOR_TYPE=SQL_CURSOR_DYNAMIC | Unset (Default) SQL_CURSOR_TYPE= ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ACIS settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ACIS_FACETER = PPM ; ACIS_FACETER = INDEXED ; FACETER_EDGE_LEN = 10000 ; FACETER_EDGE_LEN = 200 ; FACETER_NORM_DEV = 5 ; FACETER_SURF_DEV = 10 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; OpenGL Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : OPENGL ; Description : Enable OpenGL ; Options : OPENGL=YES (Default) | OPENGL= unset OPENGL=yes ; Name : DEBUG_GL (D) ; Description : Define if OpenGL debugging messages are displayed in the Eagle message window. ; Options : ;DEBUG_GL= (Default) | YES (Display messages which also slows down OpenGL) ;DEBUG_GL= ; Name : ARCS_APPROX (S) ; Description : The setting for the approximation of the approximation for arcs (16) ; Options : ARCS_APPROX= e.g. ARCS_APPROX=10.5 (Default) ARCS_APPROX=10.5 ; Name : QUADRIC_APPROX (S) ; Description : The approximation for quadrics, such as spheres, circular cylinders, and circular cones ; Options : QUADRIC_APPROX= e.g. QUADRIC_APPROX=16 (Default) used for spheres QUADRIC_APPROX=64 ; Name : QUADRIC_TESSELATION (S) ; Description : Define the way in which quadrics are represented in OpenGL ; Options : QUADRIC_TESSELATION=1 for lines | QUADRIC_TESSELATION=2 for silhouette QUADRIC_TESSELATION=2 ; Name : NURBS_APPROX (D) ; Description : The approximation settings for Nurbs ( Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) ; Options : NURBS_APPROX NURBS_APPROX= e.g. NURBS_APPROX=0.25 (Default) NURBS_APPROX=0.25 ; Name : NURBS_TESSELATION (S) ; Description : Set the way to represent Nurbs ; Options : NURBS_TESSELATION=PATCH | NURBS_TESSELATION=POLYGON NURBS_TESSELATION=PATCH ; Name : NORMALIZE (D) ; Description : Coordinates normalization factor ; Options NORMALIZE= NORMALIZE=0.001 ; Name : HALF_TONE (S) ; Description : A flag used to render wireframe graphics with a default material or the solid color. ; Options : HALF_TONE=YES [Default material] | unset [Solid Color] ; HALF_TONE=NO ; Name : DEFAULT_LIGHT (S) ; Description : Set the default lighting type noting that light influences both performance and quality ; Options : DEFAULT_LIGHT = A (for ambient) | D (for directional) P (for positional) [ Default] DEFAULT_LIGHT=P ; Name : CULLING (D) ; Description : Enable or disable culling in OpenGL performance gain can be achieved if culling is well implemented. ; Options : CULLING=1 (YES) | 0 (NO) An example could be CULLING=0 for cases when Ufos are rendered incorrectly when the Ufos contain quadrilateral faces. ; CULLING=0 ; Name : DEPTHFIELD (S) ; Description : Define the point of focus such that more distant objects will be rendered with depth blurred ; Options : DEPTHFIELD= | DEPTHFIELD=0 (Default) DEPTHFIELD=0 ; Name : PO_FACTOR (D) ; Description : Used to enhance OpenGL graphics when the rendering mode is FAKE or SHADE by slightly offsetting items to avoid overlapping geometry causing pseudo-dashed lines to be displayed. ; Options : PO_FACTOR=1 (Default) PO_FACTOR=1 ; Name : PO_UNITS (D) ; Description : Used to enhance OpenGL graphics when the rendering mode is FAKE or SHADE by slightly offsetting items to avoid overlapping geometry causing pseudo-dashed lines to be displayed. ; Options : PO_UNITS=0 (Default) PO_UNITS=10 ; Name : POLYGON_OFFSET_DISABLED (S) ; Description : Enable or disable offsetting on faces in OpenGL. ; Options : POLYGON_OFFSET_DISABLED=yes | POLYGON_OFFSET_DISABLED=no (Default) POLYGON_OFFSET_DISABLED=no ; Name : ANTIALIASING (S) ; Description : Trigger anti-aliasing to minimize the distortion artifacts ; Options : ANTIALIASING=YES | ANTIALIASING=NO ANTIALIASING=no ; Name : SURFTOL ; Description : Tolerance for surfaces where a lower the number van improve surface operations but may affect performance ; Options : SURFTOL= | SURFTOL=2.0 (Default) SURFTOL=2.0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; OCC NURBS configuration ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : SELECT_RAYTRACE (D) ; Description : Allows selection of NURBS entity being computed also internally to surface boundary. ; Options : SELECT_RAYTRACE=no (Default) |SELECT_RAYTRACE=yes SELECT_RAYTRACE=no ;Name : NURBS_FACETED (D) ; Description : Indicates if NURBS should be faceted for rendering in OpenGL or translated as NURBS. Read at each rendering. ;Options : NURBS_FACETED=yes | NURBS_FACETED=no (Default) NURBS_FACETED=no ; Name : NURBS_TRIMMED (D) ; Description : This includes Trimming Curves for NURBS for rendering in OpenGL. ; Options : NURBS_TRIMMED=no (Default) | yes (The variable is read at each rendering) NURBS_TRIMMED=no ; Name : IGES_LEVELS (D) ; Description : Map Layer information from IGES files using the TABLAYER configuration file for layer mapping. ; Options : IGES_LEVELS=no(Default) | IGES LEVELS=yes IGES_LEVELS=no ; Name : IGES_COLORS (D) ; Description : Drive the automatic import of colour attributes from IGES files. ; Options : IGES_COLORS=no (Default)| IGES_COLORS=yes IGES_COLORS=no ;;;; Undo Settings ;;;; ; Name : MAX_UNDO_LEVELS (S) ; Description : Define the maximum number of levels of UNDO that can be carried out. ; Options : MAX_UNDO_LEVELS= e.g. MAX_UNDO_LEVELS=16 (Default) MAX_UNDO_LEVELS=20 MAX_UNDO_LEVELS=16 ; Name : UNDO_AUTOBOOKMARK ; Description : Trigger to disable or enable UNDO automatic BOOKMARKing ; Options : UNDO_AUTOBOOKMARK=no (disable)| yes (Default) UNDO_AUTOBOOKMARK=yes ; Name : BOOKMARKS_MAX_VALUE ; Description : Set the maximum number of UNDO BOOKMARKs ; Options : BOOKMARK_MAX_VALUE = e.g. BOOKMARK_MAX_VALUE=16 (Default) BOOKMARK_MAX_VALUE=16 ; Name : UNDO_FORCE_BOOKMARK=yes ; Description : Force a BOOKMARK when used in conjunction with PATCH4300 ; Options : UNDO_FORCE_BOOKMARK=NO (Default) | UNDO_FORCE_BOOKMARK=YES (active when patch is active also) UNDO_FORCE_BOOKMARK=NO ;;;; Cache of submodels ;;;; ; Name : MAX_CACHED_FILES (S) ; Description : The maximum number of sub-models with different names that can cached in memory. ; Options : MAX_CACHED_FILES = If unset 64 (Default) is used. MAX_CACHED_FILES= ; Name : MAX_CACHED_SUBMODEL_SIZE (S) ; Description : The maximum size for each sub-model cached in memory. ; Options : MAX_CACHED_SUBMODEL_SIZE = If not set then the system caches every file regardless of size MAX_CACHED_SUBMODEL_SIZE [locations] ; Name : @ (S) ; Description : Location Shortcut ; Options : @= @=-eaglesite/startup/myfiles ; Name : STD (S) ; Description : Standard startup directory ; Options : STD= | STD=-eaglesite/startup (Default) STD=-eaglesite/startup ; Name : EAGLEHELP (This setting must not be relocated) (S) ; Description : Location and name of Eagle hHelp file ; Options : EAGLEHELP= | EAGLEHELP=-eaglepath/help/eagle.chm EAGLEHELP=-eaglepath/help/eagle.chm ; Name : USERHELP (This setting must not be relocated) (S) ; Description : Location and name of user defined help file ; Options : USERHELP= If USERHELP is set F1 Help key uses this file first. Unset (Default) ; USERHELP=C:/Program Files/Macrovision/appl/appl.chm ; Name : F1_GENTLE ; Description : Trigger to allow silent calling of context help when using OpenGL and USERHELP and EAGLEHELP are NOT set ; Options : F1_GENTLE=yes | Unset (Default) ; F1_GENTLE=yes ; Name : Directory Location Variables ; Description : Define location variables for application environment Temp (S) ; Options : = | eagle.cmd (Default) (Define the location of the file using STD) LOGIN=eagleui.cmd ; Name : XPLOTLOGIN ; Description : Command file to execute automatically when Xplot starts ; Options : XPLOTLOGIN= | xplotlogin.cmd (Default) (Define the location of the file using STD) XPLOTLOGIN=xplotlog.cmd ; Name : DBMONITOR (This setting must not be relocated) ; Description : The name and location of a database monitoring program sometimes required for connection to bespoke database connections ; Options : DBMONITOR= Example DBMONITOR=C:\Settings/users/utils/weamon.exe | Unset (Default) ;DBMONITOR=g:\Program Files\Excel\excel.exe ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Python Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : PYEAGLE_LIB ; Description : Location of the Python libraries. Note that the directory seperator / may have significance in Python therfore a // is recommended instead ; Options : PYEAGLE_LIB= PYEAGLE_LIB=C:\Program Files\Macrovision\EagleCDS\Bin\efc ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; CVS settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; CVS (Control Version System) functionality CVS_PATH=C:\Escape\cvsprj\install\cvs_1.0.exe CVS_VIEW_EXE="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" CVS_VIEW_URL= http://repository/viewcvsdir/viewcvs.cgi/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; UFO Compression Setting ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : UFO_COMPRESSION (S) ; Description : Define status of automatic UFO compression. If unset compressed UFO will NOT be read ; Options : UFO_COMPRESSION=yes | no (Default) UFO_COMPRESSION=no ; Name : UFO_COMPRESS_COMMAND (S) ; Description : Name and location of compression utility. ; Options : UFO_COMPRESS_COMMAND= Example UFO_COMPRESS_COMMAND=-eaglepath\pkzip UFO_COMPRESS_COMMAND=-eaglepath\pkzip ; Name : UFO_UNCOMPRESS_COMMAND (S) ; Description : Name and location of uncompress utility. ; Options : UFO_UNCOMPRESS_COMMAND= Example UFO_UNCOMPRESS_COMMAND=-eaglepath\pkzip UFO_UNCOMPRESS_COMMAND=-eaglepath\pkzip [libraries] ; Name : @ | LIB1 | LIB2 | LIB3 | LIB4 ; Description : Location of "special" directories ; Options : = ; defaultLibrary (This setting must not be relocated) (S) defaultLibrary=-eaglesite\Startup library1=C:\Program Files\Macrovision\EagleCDS\Training library2= library3= library4= [graphic] ; Name : ALPHA_MODE (S) ; Description : Define whether to run Eagle AE in non graphic mode. Typically used for batch macro processing. ; Options : ALPHA_MODE=YES | Unset (Default) ; STARTUP=warm ; Name : STARTUP ; Description : When Eagle AE is restarted it retains the last set window configuration ; Options : STARTUP =warm | Unset (Default) ; Name : GMAXIMIZE (S) ; Description : Switch on or off maximising of the Eagle AE graphic window to available root window size ; Options : GMAXIMIZE= on | off (Default) GMAXIMIZE=on ; Name : BOTTOM_OFFSET (S) ; Description : Sets the Eagle AE graphic window bottom offset in pixels from the root frame ; Options : BOTTOM_OFFSET= e.g. BOTTOM_OFFSET=20 BOTTOM_OFFSET=20 ; Name : LEFT_OFFSET (S) ; Description : Sets the Eagle AE graphic window left offset position in pixels from the root frame ; Options : LEFT_OFFSET= e.g. BOTTOM_OFFSET=20 LEFT_OFFSET=0 ; Name : RIGHT_OFFSET (S) ; Description : Sets the Eagle AE graphic window right offset position in pixels from the root frame ; Options : RIGHT_OFFSET= e.g. BOTTOM_OFFSET=20 RIGHT_OFFSET=10 ; Name : TOP_OFFSET (S) ; Description : Sets the Eagle AE graphic window top offset position in pixels from the root frame ; Options : TOP_OFFSET= e.g. BOTTOM_OFFSET=20 TOP-OFFSET=0 ; Name : BITMAP_TRANSPARENCY_COLOR (S) ; Description : Sets the color to use as the default bitmap transparency color ; Options : BITMAP_TRANSPARENCY_COLOR=#rgb i.e. #FF33DD BITMAP_TRANSPARENCY_COLOR=#FF00FF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; SPLASH Window Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : SPLASH_WINDOW_ENABLE (S) ; Description : Switch on or off the Splash Window mechanism at launch ; Options : SPLASH_WINDOW_ENABLE=yes | no (Default) SPLASH_WINDOW_ENABLE=yes ; Name : SPLASH_WINDOW_BITMAP (S) ; Description : The bitmap image to display as the splash image 300x400px ; Options : SPLASH_WINDOW_BITMAP= SPLASH_WINDOW_BITMAP=-EAGLESITE\splash.bmp ; Name : SPLASH_WINDOW_SLEEP (D) ; Description : Time in milliseconds to display splash (sub) message ; Options : SPLASH_WINDOW_SLEEP= (0 is the default) SPLASH_WINDOW_SLEEP=0 ; Name : SPLASH_WINDOW_TEXT_COLOR (D) ; Description : Define the colour for the splash window text ; Options : SPLASH_WINDOW_TEXT_COLOR=#rgb i.e. #000000 (Default) SPLASH_WINDOW_TEXT_COLOR=#000000 ; Name : SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_NAME (D) ; Description : Define the font for the splash window text ; Options : SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_NAME="" | Unset sets to application font default SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_NAME="Calibri" ; Name : SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE (D) ; Description : Define the font size for the splash window text ; Options : SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE= | Unset setts to application font default SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE =12 ; Name : SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_BOLD (D) ; Description : Define the font for the splash window text as bold style ; Options : SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_BOLD=yes|no (Default) SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_BOLD=no ; Name : SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_ITALIC (D) ; Description : Define the font for the splash window text as italic style ; Options : SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_ITALIC=yes|no (Default) SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_ITALIC=no ; Name : SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_UNDERLINED (D) ; Description : Define the font for the splash window text as underlined style ; Options : SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_UNDERLINED=yes|no (Default) SPLASH_WINDOW_FONT_UNDERLINED=no ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ROOT Window Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : RMAXIMIZE (S) ; Description : Switch on or off maximising of the Eagle root window to available screen size ; Options : RMAXIMIZE=on | off (Default) RMAXIMIZE=off ; Name : EAORIGX (S) ; Description : Sets the origin x position of the ROOT window defining the X position at which it will appear ; Options : EAORIGX= | EAORIGX=101 (Default) EAORIGX=101 ; Name : EAORIGY (S) ; Description : Sets the origin y position of the ROOT window defining the Y position at which it will appear ; Options : EAORIGY= | EAORIGY=1 (Default) EAORIGY=1 ; Name : EAWIDTH (S) ; Description : Sets the width in pixels of ROOT window ; Options : EAWIDTH= | EAWIDTH=600 (Default) EAWIDTH=900 ; Name : EAHEIGHT (S) ; Description : Sets the height in pixels of ROOT window ; Options : EAHEIGHT= | EAHEIGHT=300 (Default) EAHEIGHT=700 ; Name : MAXIMIZE (S) ;maximize=on ; Name : SCREEN_X ; Description : Screen width set at screen at install time ; Options : SCREEN_X= SCREEN_X=1280 ; Name : SCREEN_Y ; Description : Screen height set at screen at install time ; Options : SCREEN_Y= SCREEN_Y=1024 ; Name : ROOT_MAXIMIZEBOX_ENABLED (S) ; Description : Switch to Enable or Disable (grey out) the MAXIMIZE button on the ROOT window ; Options : ROOT_MAXIMIZEBOX_ENABLED=yes (enable) (Default) | no (disable) ROOT_MAXIMIZEBOX_ENABLED=yes ; Name : ROOT_MINIMIZEBOX_ENABLED ; Description : Switch to Enable or Disable (grey out) the MINIMIZE button on the ROOT window ; Options : ROOT_MINIMIZEBOX_ENABLED=yes (enable) (Default) | no (disable) ROOT_MINIMIZEBOX_ENABLED=yes ; Name : ROOT_RESIZE_ENABLED (S) ; Description : Switch to Enable or Disable the RESIZING of the ROOT window ; Options : ROOT_RESIZE_ENABLED=yes (enable) (Default) | no (disable) ROOT_RESIZE_ENABLED=yes ; Name : ROOT_CLOSE_ENABLED (S) ; Description : Switch to Enable or Disable (grey out) the CLOSE button on the ROOT window ; Options : ROOT_CLOSE_ENABLED=yes (enable) (Default) | no (disable) ROOT_CLOSE_ENABLED=yes ; Name : ROOT_BACKGROUND_COLOR (D) ; Description : Define the standard background colour for the ROOT window ; Options : ROOT_BACKGROUND_COLOR=#rgb | Unset (Default) ROOT_BACKGROUND_COLOR= ;ROOT_BACKGROUND_COLOR=#777710 ; Name : ROOT_CAPTION_ICON ; Description : Define the icon for the ROOT window containing two images 16x16 and 32x32. ; Options : ROOT_CAPTION_ICON= ; Example : ROOT_CAPTION_ICON=myroot.ico ; Name : ROOT_THEME ; Description : Define the theme schema for Eagle ; Options : ROOT_THEME=OFFICE2000|OFFICEXP|OFFICE2003|OFFICE2003NOTHEMES|STUDIO2005|NATIVEXP |OFFICE2007_R1|OFFICE2007_R2_LUNABLUE|OFFICE2007_R2_OBSIDIAN |OFFICE2007_R2_SILVER | OFFICE2007_R3_LUNABLUE| OFFICE2007_R3_OBSIDIAN |OFFICE2007_R3_SILVER ROOT_THEME=OFFICE2007_R2_OBSIDIAN ; Name : DOCKING_MARKERS_TYPE (D) ; Description : Set the style and behaviour of docking markers. ; Options : DOCKING_MARKERS_TYPE= BYTHEME | STUDIO2003 | STUDIO2005 | STUDIO2008XP | STUDIO2008VISTA DOCKING_MARKERS_TYPE=BYTHEME ; Name : CHILD_PANEL (OBSOLETE) ; Description : Float a child panel outside the Eagle root Window (OBSOLETE) ; Options : CHILD_PANEL=no (Default) | yes ; Ncheck in ame : DIRECTORY_CELL_COLUMNS (D) ; Description : Permits parametric on screen definition of the number of columns in any cell of the output of the directory command. ; Options : DIRECTORY_CELL_COLUMNS= Unset (Default) a value of 20 is used. Active for onscreen, file outputs to a 132 characters. DIRECTORY_CELL_COLUMNS= ; Name : POLLING_HINT_IN_STATUSBAR (V) ; Description : Define whether or not the POLLING hint is displayed in the STATUSBAR ; Options : POLLING_HINT_IN_STATUSBAR=yes (Default) | no When the DYNAINPUT is active. POLLING_HINT_IN_STATUSBAR=yes ; Name : STATUSBAR_COORDINATES (V) ; Description : Define whether the co-ordinates should be displayed in the statusbar at startup ; Options : STATUSBAR_COORDINATES=no (Default) | yes STATUSBAR_COORDINATES=no ;;; ROOT Window Actions ; Name : ROOT_WMCLOSE_ACTION (S) ; Description : Action to execute when ROOT window is closed ; Options : ROOT_WMCLOSE_ACTION=%ALLUSERS%\Application Data\MacroVision\Eagle\Startup\wmclose.cmd (Default) ROOT_WMCLOSE_ACTION=-STD\wmclose.cmd ; Name : ROOT_WMSIZE_ACTION (S) ; Description : Action to execute when ROOT window is resized ; Options : ROOT_WMSIZE_ACTION=%ALLUSERS%\Application Data\MacroVision\Eagle\Startup\wmcsize.cmd (Default) ROOT_WMSIZE_ACTION=-STD\wmsize.cmd ; Name : ROOT_CLOSE_ACTION (S) (Alternative) ; Description : Action to execute when ROOT window is closed ; Options : ROOT_CLOSE_ACTION=%ALLUSERS%\Application Data\MacroVision\Eagle\Startup\wmclose.cmd (Default) ROOT_CLOSE_ACTION=-STD\wmclose.cmd ; Name : ROOT_SIZE_ACTION (S) (Alternative) ; Description : Action to execute when ROOT window is resized ; Options : ROOT_SIZE_ACTION=%ALLUSERS%\Application Data\MacroVision\Eagle\Startup\wmcsize.cmd (Default) ;ROOT_SIZE_ACTION=-STD\wmsize.cmd ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; MESSAGE Window Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : MESSAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOR (V) ; Description : Set color for font used in the MESSAGE window ; Options : MESSAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOR=#rgb i.e. #000000 (Default) MESSAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOR=#F5F5F5 ; Name : MESSAGE_LINES ; Description : Define the number of lines to display in MESSAGE Window ; Options : MESSAGE_LINES= i.e. 10 (Default) MESSAGE_LINES=10 ; Name : MESSAGE_READONLY (S) ; Description : Define the MESSAGE Window read write status ; Options : MESSAGE_READONLY=no (Default) (read only)| yes (read/write) MESSAGE_READONLY=no ; Name : MESSAGE_TEXT_COLOR (V) ; Description : Set color for font used in the MESSAGE window ; Options : MESSAGE_TEXT_COLOR=#rgb MESSAGE_TEXT_COLOR=#555555 ; Name : MESSAGE_TITLE (S) ; Description : Defines the Eagle messages window caption (title) bar. ; Options : MESSAGE_TITLE= Only shown if MESSAGE_WINDOW_TITLE=yes and MESSAGE_WINDOW_TYPE is TOP or LEFT MESSAGES_TITLE= ; Name : MESSAGE_WINDOW_FIXED (V) ; Description : Enable docking or undocking of message bar ; Options : MESSAGE_WINDOW_FIXED=yes|no (Default) MESSAGE_WINDOW_FIXED=no ; Name : MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_NAME (D) ; Description : Set font used in the MESSAGE window ; Options : MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_NAME= | MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_NAME=Courier (Default) MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_NAME=Courier ; Name : MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE (D) ; Description : Set font size used in the MESSAGE window ; Options : MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE= | MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE=10 (Default) MESSAGE_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE=12 ; Name : MESSAGE_WINDOW_TITLE (V) ; Description : Defines use of MESSAGE window caption or title bar ; Options : MESSAGE_WINDOW_TITLE=yes (Default) | no MESSAGE_WINDOW_TITLE = yes ; Name : MESSAGE_WINDOW_TYPE (V) ; Description : Defines the type of Message Window to display. ; Options : MESSAGE_WINDOW_TYPE= NOSIZE | FIXED | LEFT | TOP MESSAGE_WINDOW_TYPE=LEFT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Legacy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : MESSAGES_TITLE (V) ; Description : Defines use of Eagle AE MESSAGE window caption or title bar ; Options : MESSAGES_TITLE=yes (Default) | no MESSAGES_TITLE = yes ; Name : FONT_INTERLINE=3.2 ; Description : Tune line spacing and thereby the height of the MESSAGE window. ; Options : FONT_INTERLINE= Example : FONT_INTERLINE=2.6 | 3.2 (Default) ; FONT_INTERLINE=3.2 ; Name : MESSAGE_BUFFER_SIZE ; Description : Define the maximum number of lines to be buffered for the MESSAGE Window ; Options : MESSAGE_BUFFER_SIZE= MESSAGE_BUFFER_SIZE= ; Name : DIALOGLINES (This setting must not be relocated) (S) ; Description : Define the number of lines to display in the Eagle AE MESSAGE Window ; Options : DIALOGLINES= e.g. DIALOGLINES=8 (Default) DIALOGLINES=8 DIALOGUELINES=8 ; Name : DIALINES_BUFFER (S) ; Description : Set the number of lines to be buffered from the dialogue Eagle AE (message) window. ; Options : DIALINES_BUFFER= e.g. DIALINES_BUFFER=800 The default number of lines is 512. DIALINES_BUFFER=512 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; COMMAND Window Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : COMMAND_BACKGROUND_COLOR (D) ; Description : Set color for font used in the COMMAND window ; Options : COMMAND_BACKGROUND_COLOR=#rgb COMMAND_BACKGROUND_COLOR=#E6E6FA ; Name : COMMAND_TEXT_COLOR (D) ; Description : Set color for font used in the COMMAND window ; Options : COMMAND_TEXT_COLOR=#rgb COMMAND_TEXT_COLOR=#000099 ; Name : COMMAND_TITLE (S) ; Description : Title text to display in the command window. ; Options : COMMAND_TITLE = "" ; Example : COMMAND_TITLE="Command" COMMAND_TITLE= ; Name : COMMAND_WINDOW_FONT_NAME (V) ; Description : Set font used in the MESSAGE window ; Options : COMMAND_WINDOW_FONT_NAME= | COMMAND_WINDOW_FONT_NAME=Courier (Default) COMMAND_WINDOW_FONT_NAME=Courier ; Name : COMMAND_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE (V) ; Description : Set font used in the COMMAND window ; Options : COMMAND_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE= | COMMAND_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE=12 (Default) COMMAND_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE=18 ; Name : COMMAND_WINDOW_TITLE (V) ; Description : Defines whether or not to use the Eagle comand window caption or title bar. ; Options : COMMAND_WINDOW_TITLE = yes |no (Default) COMMAND_WINDOW_TITLE=no ; Name : HISTORY_ASCENDING ; Description : Define the order of viewing of the list history of command ; Options : HISTORY_ASCENDING=yes | no HISTORY_ASCENDING=no ; Name : HISTORY_BUTTON_ICON ; Description : Define the icon for the Command History button ; Options : HISTORY_BUTTON_ICON= including complete path ; Example : HISTORY_BUTTON_ICON=c:\icons\myhistory.ico ; Name : HISTORY_DUPLICATES ; Description : Define if history dialog list should contain duplication of commands ; Options : HISTORY_DUPLICATES=yes|no (Default) HISTORY_DUPLICATES=no ; Name : HISTORY_TITLE ; Description : Define history dialog list title ; Options : HISTORY_TITLE=""|HISTORY_TITLE="History" (Default) HISTORY_TITLE="History" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; GWINDOW Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : DEFAULT_GWINDOW (S) ; Description : Define wether or not initial graphic window is automatically created ; Options : DEFAULT_GWINDOW=yes|no (Default) DEFAULT_GWINDOW=no ; Name : FRAME_BORDER (S) ; Description : Sets frame border size ; Options : FRAME_BORDER=12 FRAME_BORDER=12 ; Name : FRAME_TITLE (S) ; Description : Sets frame title size ; Options : FRAME_TITLE=69 FRAME_TITLE=69 ; Name : GWIND_TITLE (S) ; Description : Enable or disable a title on the Graphic Window ; Options : GWIND_TITLE=yes (Default) | no GWIND_TITLE = yes ; Name : GWINDOW_POLLING_EXIT_ON_ACTIVATION (V) ; Description : Set in multi-level POLLING the application needs to exit from POLLING on change of focus ; Options : GWINDOW_POLLING_EXIT_ON_ACTIVATION=no (Default) | yes GWINDOW_POLLING_EXIT_ON_ACTIVATION=no ; Name : GRAFIX_MAXIMIZEBOX_ENABLED (S) ; Description : Define if Eagle AE graphic window “minimize” button is enabled or greyed out, unselectable. ; Options : GRAFIX_MAXIMIZEBOX_ENABLED=yes (Default) | no GRAFIX_MAXIMIZE_BOX_ENABLED=yes ; Name : GRAFIX_RESIZE_ENABLED (S) ; Description : Define if Eagle AE graphic window “resizing” is enabled or greyed out, no interactive resize possible. ; Options : GRAFIX_RESIZE_ENABLED=yes (Default) | no GRAFIX_RESIZE_ENABLED=yes ; Name : EAGLE_DOCUMENT_ICON ; Description : Set the Icon for the Eagle Document windows (GWINDOWS) ; Options : EAGLE_DOCUMENT_ICON= where must be an "ico" file. ; Example : EAGLE_DOCUMENT_ICON=c:\Icons\gwindow,ico ; Name : GWINDOW_INITIAL_MAXIMIZED (V) ; Description : Define if the initial state of the Graphic Window should be maximized or not. ; Options : GWINDOW_INITIAL_MAXIMIZED=no (Default) | yes GWINDOW_INITIAL_MAXIMIZED=no ; Name : TAB_ORIENTATION (V) ; Description : Define the orientation of window TABS when in TDI mode. ; Options : TAB_ORIENTATION= top|left|right|bottom TAB_ORIENTATION=right ; Name : TAB_BOLD_SELECTION (V) ; Description : Define whether the currently selected TAB window is highlighted or not. ; Options : TAB_BOLD_SELECTION= yes | no TAB_BOLD_SELECTION=no ; Name : TAB_ENABLE_DRAGGING (V) ; Description : Define whether the TABBED window can be dragged to a new position in the tabbed layout. ; Options : TAB_ENABLE_DRAGGING= yes | no TAB_ENABLE_DRAGGING=yes ; Name : TAB_ENABLE_SCROLL (V) ; Description : Enable extended scroll buttons when many windows are present in TDI mode. ; Options : TAB_ENABLE_SCROLL= yes | no ; Default : TAB_ENABLE_SCROLL=no TAB_ENABLE_SCROLL=no ; Name : TAB_ENABLE_GWINDOW_CLOSE (V) ; Description : Define if to enable closing of TABBED GWINDOWS by clicking on a black "x" close icon ; Options : TAB_ENABLE_GWINDOW_CLOSE= yes | no TAB_ENABLE_GWINDOW_CLOSE=yes ; Name : TAB_HOVER_FOCUS (V) ; Description : Define whether focus is assigned simply by hovering over the tabbed window rather than clicking on it ; Options : TAB_HOVER_FOCUS= yes | no TAB_HOVER_FOCUS=no ; Name : TAB_CLOSE_ON_PAGE (V) ; Description : Define an individual "close" button is displayed for use in a tabbed gwindow ; Options : TAB_CLOSE_ON_PAGE = no | active | all TAB_CLOSE_ON_PAGE=active ; Name : TMDI_CONTEXT_MENU ; Description : Attach Cntext menu for TDI or TMDI mode right click on the page-TAB. ; Options : TMDI_CONTEXT_MENU=.men (Default) no file set ; TMDI_CONTEXT_MENU = C:\menu\tmdi_popup.men ;;; GWINDOW Window Actions ; Name : GWINDOW_CLOSE_MACRO (V) ; Description : Macro to execute when GWINDOW window is closed ; Options : GWINDOW_CLOSE_MACRO= including complete path GWINDOW_CLOSE_MACRO=-STD\gwclose.cmd ; Name : GWINDOW_MAXIMIZED_MACRO (V) ; Description : Macro to execute when GWINDOW window is maximized ; Options : GWINDOW_MAXIMIZED_MACRO = including complete path GWINDOW_MAXIMIZED_MACRO=-STD\gwmaximize.cmd ; Name : GWINDOW_ICONIZED_MACRO (V) ; Description : Macro to execute when GWINDOW window is iconized ; Options : GWINDOW_ICONIZED_MACRO= including complete path GWINDOW_ICONIZED_MACRO=-STD\gwminimize.cmd ; Name : GWINDOW_RESTORED_MACRO (V) ; Description : Macro to execute when GWINDOW window is restored or rearranged ; Options : GWINDOW_RESTORED_MACRO= including complete path GWINDOW_RESTORED_MACRO=-STD\gwrestore.cmd ; Name : GWINDOW_LOOSE_FOCUS (V) ; Description : Macro to execute when focus is lost from a GWINDOW ; Options : GWINDOW_LOOSE_FOCUS= including complete path GWINDOW_LOOSE_FOCUS=-STD\gwloosefocus.cmd ; Name : GWINDOW_GET_FOCUS (V) ; Description : Macro to execute when focus is gained to a GWINDOW ; Options : GWINDOW_GET_FOCUS= including complete path GWINDOW_GET_FOCUS=-STD\gwgetfocus.cmd ;GWINDOW_CLOSE_MACRO=C:\Eagle Macro\opengl\closeWnd.py ;GWINDOW_ICONIZED_MACRO=C:\Eagle Macro\opengl\resize.py ;GWINDOW_RESTORED_MACRO=C:\Eagle Macro\opengl\restore.py ;GWINDOW_MAXIMIZED_MACRO=C:\Eagle Macro\opengl\maximize.py ;GWINDOW_LOOSE_FOCUS=C:\Eagle Macro\opengl\loosefocus.py ;GWINDOW_GET_FOCUS=C:\Eagle Macro\opengl\getfocus.py ; Sets the sets frame border and frame title FRAME_BORDER=12 FRAME_TITLE=69 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Graphics and GUI Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : MAGNIFY_SPEED (V) ; Description : Sets speed of dynamic zoom ; Options : MAGNIFY_SPEED = higher number faster speed. Unset (Default)sets MAGNIFY_SPEED=1 MAGNIFY_SPEED=1 ; Name : MAGNIFY_DELTA (S) ; Description : Tolerance to be used to ignore too small mouse movements ; Options : MAGNIFY_DELTA = px Unset (Default) MAGNIFY_DELTA= ; Name : SCROLL_CTRL_ENABLED ; Description : Allow disabling and from the dynamic zoom/pan and parse them as hotkeys during polling. ; Options : SCROLL_CTRL_ENABLED=yes (Default)|no SCROLL_CTRL_ENABLED=yes ; Name : ZOOM_SHIFT_ENABLED ; Description : Allow disabling and from the dynamic zoom/pan and parse them as hotkeys during polling. ; Options : ZOOM_SHIFT_ENABLED=yes (Default)|no ZOOM_SHIFT_ENABLED=yes ; Name : SPIN_SHIFTCTRL_ENABLED ; Description : Allow disabling and from the dynamic zoom/pan and parse them as hotkeys during polling. ; Options : SPIN_SHIFTCTRL_ENABLED (Default)|no SPIN_SHIFTCTRL_ENABLED=yes ; Name : BLOWUP_CENTERED (S) ; Description : Define whether or not the BLOWUP is centred in the middle of the graphics screen ; Options : BLOWUP_CENTERED = YES(Default)|no BLOWUP_CENTERED=yes ; Name : SNAP_CURSOR_RADIUS (V) ; Description : Selected items are redrawn with small black dot markers. ; Options : SNAP_CURSOR_RADIUS= where 10 (Default) SNAP_CURSOR_RADIUS=10 ; Comment : Coloring and markers can be used together. ; Name : NEW_FASHION_MARKERS (S) ; Description : Selected items are redrawn with small black dot markers. ; Options : NEW_FASHION_MARKERS =no (Default) | yes NEW_FASHION_MARKERS =no ; Name : MARKERS_ACTIVE_INDEX (S) ; Description : Draws or removes markers on an item when the item enters or exits a user-defined index. ; Options : MARKERS_ACTIVE_INDEX= Index to which the marker is applied. Can be a variable. MARKERS_ACTIVE_INDEX=PARTITION ; Name : SELECTION_MARKERS_SIZE (S) ; Description : Defines the size, in pixels, of the selection marker ; Options : SELECTION_MARKERS_SIZE = SELECTION_MARKERS_SIZE=4 ; Name : GNODE_REPRESENTATION (S) ; Description : Represent a GNODE item with different graphic symbol. ; Options : GNODE_REPRESENTATION= where 0 (Default) "*" | 1 circle with radius GNODE_SIZE_X | 2 diamond | 3 rectangle GNODE_REPRESENTATION=0 ; Name : GNODE_SIZE_X (S) ; Description : Set the size of the GNODE shape ; Options : GNODE_SIZE_X= (See also GNODE_REPRESENTATION and GNODE_SIZE_Y) GNODE_SIZE_X=1 ; Name : GNODE_SIZE_Y (S) ; Description : Set the size of the GNODE shape Y ; Options : GNODE_SIZE_Y= (See also GNODE_REPRESENTATION and GNODE_SIZE_Y) GNODE_SIZE_Y=1 ; Name : COLOR_ACTIVE_INDEX (S) ; Description : Draws or removes color on an item when the item enters or exits a user-defined index. ; Options : COLOR_ACTIVE_INDEX= The index name can be a variable. COLOR_ACTIVE_INDEX=PARTITION ; Name : COLOR_SELECTION (S) ; Description : Selected items are redrawn with the selected color. ; Options : COLOR_SELECTION=0 (Default) no coloring | pen number COLOR_SELECTION=0 ; Name : GUIDE_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE (S) ; Description : The Guide command extended with the possibility of having text alongside similar to grid ; Options : GUIDE_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE= | GUIDE_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE=2 GUIDE_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE=2 ; Name : GUIDE_TEXT_HEIGHT (S) ; Description : Define a fixed pixel height for GUIDE text ; Options : GUIDE_TEXT_HEIGHT= | GUIDE_TEXT_HEIGHT= GUIDE_TEXT_HEIGHT= ; Name : ESCAPE_ALLOWED (S) ; Description : Turn on/off the possibility of interrupting any graphic process (e.g.: show, hide, etc.) pressing the ESCape key ; Options : ESCAPE_ALLOWED = yes (Default) | no ESCAPE_ALLOWED = yes ; Name : RUBBERBOX_COLOR (V) ; Description : Enables or disable the colouring of the rubber box used during the POLLING command. ; Options : RUBBERBOX_COLOR=yes (Default) | No The colour is defined using COLOUR command. RUBBERBOX_COLOR=yes ; Name : MASKMODE (S) ; Description : The mask to be used for transparency in tiling. ; Options : MASKMODE = MASKMODE= ; Name : HIDE_MODE (D) ; Description : Using on demand faceted representation of pipes during the hide process and assign on demand hatch patterns to them, when sectioned. ; Options : HIDE_MODE = advanced | no facets |evr (resolves angled t-junctions rendering incorrectly) HIDE_MODE= ; Name : HIDE_MINIMUM_APP (D) ; Description : The minimum approximation to be used for all pipe entities used when HIDE_MODE=evr. ; Options : HIDE_MINIMUM_APP = HIDE_MINIMUM_APP= ; Name : HIDE_MODE_THRESHOLD (D) ; Description : Indicate the percentage of the size of the object against the full screen above which no optimization is made when HIDE_MODE=evr. ; Options : HIDE_MODE_THRESHOLD = 0.2 (Default) (APPROX 32) HIDE_MODE_THRESHOLD = 0.2 ; Name : HIDE_MODE_NON_ORTHOGONAL (D) ; Description : Pipes which are not orthogonal to current view are not subject to approximation optimization when faceting when HIDE_MODE=evr. ; Options : HIDE_MODE_NON_ORTHOGONAL=yes | no (default) HIDE_MODE_NON_ORTHOGONAL = no ; Name : HIDE_PIPES_HATCH (D) ; Description : If set facets for pipes is enabled they are assigned with the hatch attribute value described by the ATT of the pipe item ; Options : HIDE_PIPES_HATCH= ; Name : MINIMUM_SIZE ; Description : Defines the minimum size for vectors, arcs and circles under which the graphic display does not draw anything. ; Options : MINIMUM_SIZE= (default) MINIMUM_SIZE=1 MINIMUM_SIZE=1 ; Name : HOTKEYSVB (S) (CHECK NAME) ; Description : The VB value after an hotkey event ; Options : HotKeysVB= where is any value (e.g. 20 or 500). VB possible values are : 0--> keyboard input | 1,2,3--> mouse or digitiser buttons | 5--> default hot keys | 100+fk--> function keys | 1 - m--> digitiser buttons | --> user defined hot keys HOTKEYSVB= ; Name : DIGITHOTKEYSVB (V) ; Description : Use CTRL- during the POLLING command (e.g.: ctrl-5), to return the digit in the output string and a different VB value ; Options : DIGITHOTKEYSVB= DIGITHOTKEYSVB=7 (Default) DIGITHOTKEYSVB= ; Name : SAVE_UNDER (S) ; Description : Define persistence of graphics underneath drawn GUI elements to eliminate teh need for redraw. ; Options : SAVE_UNDER=yes (Default) | no SAVE_UNDER=yes ; Name : TAB_ALL_BUTTONS (S) ; Description : Sets the TAB key to navigate all buttons in a panel. Originally TABbing was only between input field only. ; Options : TAB_ALL_BUTTONS=yes (Default) | TAB_ALL_BUTTONS=no Set to legacy behaviour TAB_ALL_BUTTONS=yes ; Name : POPUP_IGNORE_TITLE (V) ; Description : Allow for no title to appear in popup menus ; Options : POPUP_IGNORE_TITLE=yes (Default) | no POPUP_IGNORE_TITLE=yes ; Name : MENU_CLOSE_ACTION (S) ; Description : Define an associated action to occur when a panel close button event is triggered. ; Options : MENU_CLOSE_ACTION = including complete path MENU_CLOSE_ACTION= ; Name : BAR_EXPANDABLE ; Description : Define if Bar and Popup menu should display new style behaviour (hidden, chevron and appear) or not. ; Options : BAR_EXPANDABLE = yes (Default)| no or unset old style BAR_EXPANDABLE=yes ; Name : BAR_DOCKING_ENABLED ; Description : Define if the docking and undocking mechanism is enabled for the Bar menu ; Options : BAR_EXPANDABLE = yes(Default)| no BAR_DOCKING_ENABLED=yes ; Name : BAR_CLOSE_ACTION ; Description : Define an associated action to occur when a menu bar and floating toolbar X close button is pressed. ; Options : BAR_CLOSE_ACTION = e.g. BAR_CLOSE_ACTION = c:\MyFolder\closebar.cmd BAR_CLOSE_ACTION= ; Name : TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_ACTION ; Description : Executes the macro defined in this variable on TOOLBAR right click and returns the correct MN, BN and VB. ; Options : TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_ACTION= TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_ACTION= ; Name : CLOSE_CUSTOM_MESSAGE (S) ; Description : Sets the value of the message to be fired when a panel, dialog or toolbar is destroyed. See PANEL command. ; Options : CLOSE_CUSTOM_MESSAGE= CLOSE_CUSTOM_MESSAGE= ; Name : PASSWORD_CHAR (V) ; Description : Sets the masking character used edit type 6 control for password entry ; Options : PASSWORD_CHAR= | unset "*" (Default) PASSWORD_CHAR= ; Name : EDIT_BORDER_ENABLED (V) ; Description : Enables setting of border style on type 6 edit control ; Options : EDIT_BORDER_ENABLED=yes|no (Default) EDIT_BORDER_ENABLED=no ; Name : PANEL_BACKGROUND (D) ; Description : Sets the color to use as the background to a Panel dialog ; Options : PANEL_BACKGROUND=#rgb| unset (Default uses schema) PANEL_BACKGROUND= ; Name : DISABLE_TEXT_OPTIMIZATION (S) ; Description : Disable drawing of text in an approximated way when they are very small ; Options : DISABLE_TEXT_OPTIMIZATION=yes | no (Default) DISABLE_TEXT_OPTIMIZATION=no ; Name : CTL3D (S) (OBSOLETE) ; Description : Sets 3D UI presentation on certain operating systems ; Options : CTL3D=yes | unset (Default) ;ctl3d=yes ; Name : BUTTON_IMAGE_BORDER ; Description : Size in pixels for the border for “icon only” button when bitmap doesn’t have transparency ; Options : BUTTON_IMAGE_BORDER= BUTTON_IMAGE_BORDER = 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Tooltip Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : TOOLTIP_FONT (S) ; Description : Set the font type for Tooltips, used in conjunction with TOOLTIP_FONT_SIZE ; Options : TOOLTIP_FONT= e.g. TOOLTIP_FONT=MS Sans Serif (Default) TOOLTIP_FONT=MS Sans Serif ; Name : TOOLTIP_FONT_SIZE (S) ; Description : Set the font size for Tooltips, used in conjunction with TOOLTIP_FONT ; Options : TOOLTIP_FONT_SIZE= e.g. TOOLTIP_FONT_SIZE=8 (Default) TOOLTIP_FONT_SIZE=8 ; Name : TOOLTIP_DELAY (S) ; Description : Sets a delay in ms for tooltips display on certain fast systems ; Options : TOOLTIP_DELAY= e.g TOOLTIP_DELAY=250 | unset (Default) ;tooltip_delay=250 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; DynaInput Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : DYNAINPUT_FONT ; Description : Set the font type for the DYNAINPUT control ; Options : DYNAINPUT_FONT= e.g. DYNAINPUT_FONT=Arial (Default) DYNAINPUT_FONT=Arial ; Name : DYNAINPUT_FONT_SIZE ; Description : Set the font size for the DYNAINPUT control. Used in conjunction with the DYNAINPUT_FONT ; Options : DYNAINPUT_FONT_SIZE= e.g. DYNAINPUT_FONT=10 (Default) DYNAINPUT_FONT_SIZE=10 ; Name : DYNAINPUT_TOLERANCE (S) ; Description : Define the point, in pixels, when the DYNAINPUT edit field looses focus when using FOC=0,1 in POLLING ; Options : DYNAINPUT_TOLERANCE=0 (Default) Suggested values are in the range [10-20] DYNAINPUT_TOLERANCE=0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Ribbon Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : RIBBON_HELP_ACTION ; Description : The action called when the help button in the ribbon bar is pressed ; Options : RIBBON_HELP_ACTION = (with the complete path) Default no action ; RIBBON_HELP_ACTION= = C:\Actions\help.cmd ; Name : RIBBON_HELP_ICON ; Description : Set the icon to enable the help button in the ribbon bar ; Options : RIBBON_HELP_ICON= (Default) no icon and button disabled ; RIBBON_HELP_ICON = C:\MyIcon\help.ico ; Name : RIBBON_HELP_TEXT ; Description : Text displayed as tooltip for the help button in the ribbon bar ; Options : (Default) no text ; RIBBON_HELP_TEXT = Support ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; TREEVIEW Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : TREEVIEW_BEHAVIOUR (S) ; Description : Define the behaviour of the treeview elements when clicked. ; Options : TREEVIEW_BEHAVIOUR=1 (Default) | 2 | 3 TREEVIEW_BEHAVIOUR=1 ; Name : TREEVIEW_BOX ; Description : Style of the boxes in the tree view ; Options : TREEVIEW_BOX ROUND | SQUARE (Default) | BITMAP TREEVIEW_BOX = SQUARE ; Name : TREEVIEW_BOX_IMAGE_COLLAPSED ; Description : Image in the box of the tree view when TREEVIEW_BOX = BITMAP and the node is collapsed ; Options : TREEVIEW_BOX_IMAGE_COLLAPSED = file name (with the complete path if the file is not stored in the current directory) ; Name : TREEVIEW_BOX_IMAGE_COLLAPSED_HOVER ; Description : Image in the box of the tree view when TREEVIEW_BOX = BITMAP, the node is collapsed and the mouse is hover the box ; Options : TREEVIEW_BOX_IMAGE_COLLAPSED_HOVER = file name (with the complete path if the file is not stored in the current directory) ; Name : TREEVIEW_BOX_IMAGE_EXPANDED ; Description : Image in the box of the tree view when TREEVIEW_BOX = BITMAP and the node is expanded ; Options : TREEVIEW_BOX_IMAGE_EXPANDED = file name (with the complete path if the file is not stored in the current directory) ; Name : TREEVIEW_BOX_IMAGE_EXPANDED_HOVER ; Description : Image in the box of the tree view when TREEVIEW_BOX = BITMAP, the node is expanded and the mouse is hover the box ; Options : TREEVIEW_BOX_IMAGE_EXPANDED_HOVER = file name (with the complete path if the file is not stored in the current directory) ; Name : TREEVIEW_DRAGNDROP (S) ; Description : Trigger “Drag and Drop” handling for files dropped into the graphic window ; Options : TREEVIEW_DRAGNDROP=no (Default) | yes Drag and drop variables Use D&D variables to recover information TREEVIEW_DRAGNDROP=NO ; Name : TREEVIEW_EXTRAINFO_SEPARATOR ; Description : Define the extra information separator for a Treeview ; Options : TREEVIEW_EXTRAINFO_SEPARATOR={} TREEVIEW_EXTRAINFO_SEPARATOR={} ; Name : TREEVIEW_LINE ; Description : Style of the lines in the structure of a tree view (no line, solid line or dots line) ; Options : TREEVIEW_LINE =NO | SOLID (Default) | DOTS TREEVIEW_LINE = solid ; Name : TREEVIEW_PATH_SEPARATOR (S) ; Description : Define the character which will define path separation in the treeview file. ; Options : TREEVIEW_PATH_SEPARATOR = e.g. | (Default) TREEVIEW_PATH_SEPARATOR=/ ; Name : TREEVIEW_RIGHTCLICK (S) ; Description : Define whether or not the right-click action is enabled for treeview items ; Options : TREEVIEW_RIGHTCLICK=YES | TREEVIEW_RIGHTCLICK=NO (Default) TREEVIEW_RIGHTCLICK=NO ; Name : TREEVIEW_ST_AS_UID (S) ; Description : Enable if the POLLING should return the node’s UID in the ST system string variable instead of the node’s label. ; Options : TREEVIEW_ST_AS_UID=yes | TREEVIEW_ST_AS_UID= no (Default) TREEVIEW_ST_AS_UID=no ; Name : TREEVIEW_STYLE ; Description : Define the style for the tree views ; Options : TREEVIEW_STYLE=XP(Default) | VISTA TREEVIEW_LEAVES=XP ; Name : TREEVIEW_STYLE ; Description : Define the style for the tree views ; Options : TREEVIEW_STYLE=XP(Default) | VISTA TREEVIEW_LEAVES=XP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; FILE Dialog Settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Name : FILE_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON ; Description : Define the string for the “Open” button in the File Dialog ; Options : FILE_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON= Default if unset “Open” ; FILE_DIALOG_OPEN_BUTTON = Open File ; Name : FILE_DIALOG_FILENAME_LABEL ; Description : Define the label before the edit field that contains the file name in the File Dialog ; Options : FILE_DIALOG_FILENAME_LABEL= Default if unset “File name:” ; FILE_DIALOG_FILENAME_LABEL = File select… ; Name : FILE_DIALOG_ FILETYPE _LABEL ; Description : In the File Dialog, define the label before the combo box that contains the file types ; Options : FILE_DIALOG_ FILETYPE _LABEL= Default if unset “File of type:” ; FILE_DIALOG_FILETYPE_LABEL = Filters ; Name : FILE_DIALOG_OPEN_BUTTON ; Description : Define the string for the “Open” button in the File Dialog ; Name : FILE_DIALOG_OPEN_BUTTON= Default if unset “Open” ; FILE_DIALOG_OPEN_BUTTON = Open File ; Name : FILE_DIALOG_SAVE_BUTTON ; Description : Define the string for the “Cancel” button in the File Dialog ; Options : FILE_DIALOG_SAVE_BUTTON= Default if unset “Cancel” ; FILE_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON = Exit ; Name : FILE_DIALOG_ SEPARATOR ; Description : define the character to separate the file name returned when multiple selection is enabled. ; Name : FILE_DIALOG_ SEPARATOR= | FILE_DIALOG_SEPARATOR=, (Default) ; FILE_DIALOG_SEPARATOR = @ ; Name : FILE_DIALOG_FILTER ; Description : Set the file extensions to be displayed in the combo box filter in the File Dialog. ; Options : FILE_DIALOG_FILTER= Default if unset All Files (*.*)|*.* ; FILE_DIALOG_FILTER = Portable Network Graphics (*.png;*.mng)|*.png; *.mng|GIF Files (*.gif)|*.gif|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| ; Name : FILEDIALOG_FILETYPES_DEFAULT (D) ; Description : Specify the default index type from FILEDIALOG_FILETYPES to use when the dialog is opened. ; Name : FILEDIALOG_FILETYPES_DEFAULT= FILEDIALOG_FILETYPES_DEFAULT = 1 ; Name : FILEDIALOG_FILETYPES (D) ; Description : Sets a list of file types to be used in the FILE command dialog ; Options : FILEDIALOG_FILETYPES=